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You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got Answers.


How Can I Book a visit?

You can visit us anytime. Use the contact us button to book in. 
We also hold regular open evenings where you can talk to tutors and students.
You are also welcome to book to see any of our performances - please use the show page bookings button.

What are the Tuition fees?

For 16-18 year olds tuition is free for home students on full-time, further education courses. 

Students over 19 may have to pay all or some of the full course cost and tuition fees but  may be eligible for concessions.

Fees vary depending on the course. 

Free Courses for Students over 19! If you are 19+ and you are working or self-employed and earn below the annual London Living Wage you may qualify for free tuition fees! 


Where is Praxis?

We are based at the Hayes Campus of Uxbridge College,
Hayes Campus is a small, friendly campus, that we share with a small number of other courses.

What do the Levels mean?

Please visit the courses page where you'll find all the info you need to make the right choice.

Can I do other courses while studying on my chosen one?

The course you choose will be full time, and as such you'll not have time to study another full time course. The course is hard work and fun!

What about Maths & English?

At 16 years of age if you've not achieved a pass ( 4 at GCSE) then you will also be enrolled onto a Maths and/or English course (at your appropriate level) which you will study alongside your vocational course.

What will I be able to do with my UAL qualification?

A successful completion of Level 1 or 2 will allow you access to start on Level 3. A successful completion of level 3 will allow to either progress to Drama college, Dance college, Music college or University. Alternatively, you could stay and study on our new level 4. Please refer to our Courses page. You can click on the link at the bottom of the page to see our student destinations.

What would a typical timetable look like?

Typically, your course would try to replicate as close as possible, the professional industry you hope to join. Days start at 9.30 and tend to finish around 5. Your performances will not only be in the daytime but will be open to the public in the evenings. Your days will be split between rehearsals and technique classes. You do usually have a 'study day' once a week, where you can choose to complete any coursework from home (some students choose to come into college and use the library).

Can I study Music, Acting or Dance at the same time?

All vocational courses (Acting, Dance and Music) are full time in their own right. They will take up much of your week, and therefore you will not able to do more than one course at a time. There maybe an opportunity to begin another course on successful completion of your current course, if the tutors think it appropriate.

How many performances will I be in?

Your course is project based. This means that every project will typically end in a performance of some kind. On average you will take part in at least three major performances a year. There will be extra opportunities  to be involved in  outside commissioned work. In the past the dancers have opened the West London Business awards at Twickenham Stadium, actors sang at Earth Day, and music students regularly perform at a local hospital.

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